Tuesday, October 1, 2024

The Snake

There once was a man who, while walking in the woods, found a poisonous snake that was frozen stiff as a board.  He knew it was poisonous, but he took pity on the poor frozen thing and brought it home with him.  He put the snake in front of the fireplace in his living room so it would thaw out.  Realizing that when the snake woke up it would be hungry, the man went into the kitchen and warmed up a bowl of milk so the snake would have something to eat.  He then brought the milk back into the living room to feed the snake.

As the man was putting the bowl of milk in front of the snake, it lashed out and bit him.  Almost immediately, he could feel the venom rush through his veins and he know he would be dead in a matter of minutes.

With his last strength the man looked at the snake and asked, “Snake, why did you bite me?  I found you frozen in the woods and brought you into my home and thawed you out.  I gave you warm milk to drink.  Why did you bite me?

As the man was fading into death, he heard the snake hiss these words, “Stop your whining.  You knew I was a poisonous snake when you picked me up.  What did you expect me to do, kiss you?

The attraction to sin is like that snake.  We may enjoy its company for a short time, but sooner or later, it’s going to bite us.  No matter how nice it may seem, no matter how much understanding we may have, no matter what a good person we are, it’s going to bite us!  And its bite is quiet deadly!​