Saturday, August 24, 2024

Lord, Let Me See

You must see the invisible to do the impossible

“Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” Hebrews 11:1 (NIV)

The architect does not design a house that has already been built. That is called copying. To truly design something the architect must first see the completed project in his mind.

The teacher does not encourage a child who has reached old age. That is called remembering. To truly encourage the child the teacher must see the child’s potential before it comes to pass.

The preacher does not inspire others to set their sights on heaven if all he does is read from the Bible. To truly inspire the preacher must first see that city from afar.

Faith is a gift and a blessing. Faith can be strengthened and stretched. Faith can accomplish much.

Faith can accomplish the impossible.

Faith is nothing if it does not see what is invisible.

What we see in our own mind’s eye is called a dream.

What we see in God’s mind is faith.

Dreams may or may not come to pass.

Faith is an absolute—it will happen!

Lord, let me see what you see and let me keep my eyes focused on it until it comes to pass.