Friday, August 9, 2024

19th Sunday in Ordinary Time

On Thursday we celebrate the Feast of the Assumption. From the moment Mary spoke, “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word,” when the Holy Spirit overshadowed her and she conceived the Savior of the world, she revealed herself to be the one chosen by God. She was the vessel of our salvation, the model of discipleship, and the first to enjoy the fruits of redemption through her assumption into heaven.

There is an image in the book of Revelation Chapter 12: 1 that is often applied to Mary: “A great sign appeared in the sky, a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars.” This dynamic image of a woman reigning over the universe has become an icon of Mary as queen of heaven and earth. Artistic representations of Mary often depict her dressed as the woman in Revelation. They signify the belief that the scriptures symbolically verify Mary’s place in heaven.

On the Feast of the Assumption we celebrate the faith of a woman who accepted the challenge God put before her. She is an example of what human life is capable of achieving when touched by the grace of God. Like many mothers she gave a child to the world while remaining unaware of the details of God’s plan. We should not think that because Mary was free from sin her life was without struggles. She was subject to the same doubts and anguishes that we all face. Like her son, she shared all our problems and difficulties showing us the value of patience amidst our own trials, by turning sorrow and trouble into hope and joy.

Mary reminds us of the goodness of God which is the source and root of our life. What God wills for Mary God wills for all of us. In sending his Son into our world, God wanted to share the very best of Himself with us, by making us his adopted sons and daughters. God calls each of us like Mary to welcome Jesus and to make room for him in our lives. If we give him co-operation in living his word and sharing his cross, he will shape us into a worthy dwelling place for his Son. Mary teaches us what it means to abandon ourselves completely to God’s will and to be fully at his disposal. We are fortunate to call Mary our mother and to claim her as the model to imitate to the best of our ability, of all creatures, she is the closest in love to God, nearest to his heart and everything a human being should be.

Lord our God,
you took Mary up into heaven body and soul,
to share in the definitive triumph over death
of Jesus, your Son,
because on earth she humbly served your plans
as the first of those who believed. 
Grant us her attitude
of trusting openness to your will,
that you may overcome evil and death in us
and lead us safely with Mary
into your everlasting joy.
We ask you this through Christ our Lord.