Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Staying in the Present

"Having spent the better part of my life trying either to relive the past or experience the future before it arrives, I have come to believe that in between these two extremes is peace." ~ Anonymous

How hard it, often seems, to quiet our minds so we can experience the present. We know that we're missing God's message now when we're obsessively caught in thoughts of another time. But too often we allow them to plague us anyway.

We're not failures if we need to repeatedly remind ourselves to be quiet, but we may think we are. It might be well for each of us to observe a small child who is learning to walk. She stumbles and falls and tries again and again, often with peals of laughter.

We, too, are children trying to master a new skill. That we didn't learn how to quiet our mind in earlier years is unimportant. We are here, now, and the opportunity to practice this skill, will present itself many times today. And we will become proficient at knowing peace with practice.

Today I'll willingly quiet my mind rather than let my thoughts carry me astray.

~ In God’s Care by Karen Casey