Tuesday, January 30, 2024

The Great Attraction

 This is the great attraction today:

to reach the highest contemplation
while sharing in the life of every person,
being one among many.

I would say more:
to merge oneself with the crowd
so as to allow the divine
to penetrate it,
like wine
penetrates a piece of bread.

I would even say more:
as sharers in God’s plans for humanity,
to place points of light within the crowd,
sharing shame, hunger, troubles,
and brief joys with our neighbour.

The attraction today,
as in all times,
is Jesus and Mary.

The highest conceivable expression
of the human and the divine.
The Word of God, a carpenter’s son;
the Seat of Wisdom, a mother at home.​

Chiara Lubich, Meditations, New City, London, 2005, p. 14-15