Friday, May 5, 2023

5th Sunday of Easter

In today’s Gospel from John 14:1-12, Jesus says, “You have faith in God; have faith also in me.” Those who did have faith in Jesus while he was here on earth received extraordinary gifts. Two men who were blind suddenly could see (Mt. 9:28-29); a very sick woman was healed merely by touching the hem of Jesus’ cloak (Lk. 8:43-48); Jairus’ daughter was brought back from death (Lk. 8:49-56) and a centurion’s servant was miraculously healed (Mt. 8:5-13). None of these people were “disciples” of Jesus; nor were they great theologians or intellectuals. They were simple people of faith.

Jesus says in Mark 9:23: “Everything is possible to one who has faith.” And in Matthew 17:20 he reminds us that faith the size of a single, tiny mustard seed can move mountains. The twelve apostles had a hard time keeping faith in Jesus. Their faith seemed to come and go in a flash. However, they struggled on and their fledgling faith grew strong through perseverance, prayer and through the power of the Holy Spirit that came upon them at Pentecost.

Like the disciples, we too are empowered by the power of the Holy Spirit. The same Holy Spirit we read about in the gospels, the Acts of the Apostles and the Epistles is given to us at our confirmation. Having received the Holy Spirit, our capacity to grow in faith is enhanced beyond measure. In the closing lines of today’s gospel Jesus promises us that, “whoever believes in me will do the works that I do, and will do greater ones than these.”

We do not need to see Jesus, or to touch Jesus to do great things. All we need is our faith in the resurrected Jesus and we too can work great miracles.

you restored your people to eternal life
by raising Christ your Son from death.
Make our faith strong and our hope sure.
May we never doubt that you will fulfill
The promises you have made.
Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
Who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
One God, forever, and ever.