Thursday, September 15, 2022


Spirit of my ancestors,
this day I join in acknowledging the blessedness of the many
who inspired me and shaped my faith.

I turn in memory and appreciation
toward those ancestors in my family of origin
who influenced and encouraged me to live as my best self.

I bring to mind others who enriched my life
and led me further on my journey of personal transformation.

I honor all those who sacrificed and suffered
in order for peace and justice to be furthered on our planet.

I give thanks and rejoice for the countless, unnamed persons
those goodness left a lasting mark of kindness and compassion.

May the remembrance of each of these blessed ones
deepen my personal commitment
to leave a trace of goodness wherever I go.

When I depart this sphere of life may I do so
having contributed to individual and world peace
and may this world be a better place because of me and my ancestors​.