Friday, June 3, 2022

Feast of Pentecost

Today is the Feast of Pentecost, the birthday of the church. It was on the first Pentecost that the infant church was launched on its course and took on its missionary role. Scripture tells us that while the apostles were at prayer with Mary in the upper room, suddenly there was a roaring wind and the Holy Spirit descended on them in the form of tongues of fire and gave these timid and frightened people the courage to rush into the street and fearlessly preach the word of God to friend and foe alike. The Spirit of the Lord which was poured out and transformed the apostles from a fearful group to courageous people announcing the Good News about the mighty acts of God, was not a one off happening which only took place at the beginning of the church. From that time on the Holy Spirit has been a permanent presence and a tower of strength in guiding, guarding and directing the church’s course and our individual spiritual courses as well.

The action of the Spirit continues in our time and is first evident in our lives at baptism. When we are baptized, the seed of eternity is planted within our beings bringing us into a loving relationship with God, who invites us to become his adopted sons and daughters. Pentecost and the coming of the Holy Spirit is Jesus announcing that God has breathed his life into us giving us an opportunity to share in his eternal life. Heaven has been placed within our reach but entrance into the kingdom does not happen unless we are prepared to make room for the Spirit of the living God to dwell within us.

One starting point for accepting the gift of the Holy Spirit is to increase our prayer life, which helps put us into a loving relationship with God – the Spirit came upon the apostles while they were at prayer. Without an attitude of prayerfulness, it is difficult for us to discover our own special talents and the particular role we are called to play in building the kingdom of God. Once we discover our own particular gifts there is an obligation on us to use them in building up the Body of Christ.

Come, Holy Spirit, 
 fill the Hearts of Your faithful 
 and kindle in us the Fire of Your love.
Send forth Your Spirit 
 and we shall be recreated 
 and You will renew the face of the earth.
O God, 
Who did instruct the hearts of Your faithful people 
 by the Light of Your Holy Spirit, 
 grant that by the same Spirit we may be truly wise 
 and ever rejoice in His consolation. 
 We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. 