Friday, April 8, 2022

Palm Sunday of the Lord's Passion

Passion Sunday begins our recounting of the most monumental events in human history, the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. During Lent we travel with Jesus on his way to Jerusalem. The difficult part of the journey begins today when Jesus enters the Holy City. Riding a donkey, Jesus enters Jerusalem as a king coming in peace. People in the crowd spread their cloaks on the road and his disciples cry out “Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord. Peace in heaven and glory in the highest.”

The sense of triumph is short lived, however. Within a few days the same crowd that threw their cloaks before Jesus is screaming, “Crucify him. Crucify him.” The disciples who shouted his praise are cowering in fear. Judas betrays Jesus and Peter denies him three times. To many of the people who witnessed the events everything seemed to be unraveling.

Unlike the people in the crowd, the disciples, the twelve apostles, the daughters of Jerusalem, Simon the Cyrenian, the members of the Sanhedrin, the two criminals, Pilate and Herod we know the end of the story. We know Jesus is victorious and triumphant in the end. We know that without crucifixion there can be no Easter. We know that resurrection cannot occur without death. We know as St. Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 15: 57, that God “gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”

As we enter into the commemoration of the Passion and Resurrection of Jesus, events that changed the world forever, remember that this is a Holy Week. Let’s not waste it. Spend some time reflecting on St. Luke’s Passion that we read today (Luke 22:14 -23: 56). Come to Mass on Holy Thursday. Attend at least one of the services on Good Friday. And rejoice with your Christian family at the Easter Vigil as new members of the Body of Christ are received into the Church. Above all, pray.

in your plan of salvation 
Your Son Jesus Christ accepted the cross 
And freed us from the power of the enemy. 
May we come to share the glory of his resurrection, 
For he lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, 
One God, forever and ever.