Friday, March 4, 2022

1st Sunday of Lent

Welcome to the first Sunday of Lent 2022.  On Ash Wednesday, we began a spiritual journey.  On this journey, we will follow Jesus through Galilee to Jerusalem - from the beginning of his ministry to his crucifixion.  Today, we enter the wilderness with Jesus as he confronts the devil and temptation.  Next Sunday we will climb a high mountain with Jesus, Peter, James and John and we will hear how Jesus revealed his divine glory.  On the following three Sundays we will listen to Jesus teach the disciples and us about repentance, reconciliation and forgiveness through parables.  Then on Passion Sunday, we will follow Jesus on his journey to the cross.  Each step of this journey offers each one of us the opportunity to grow in faith, to discern God's will for our lives, to repent, reconcile and forgive and to experience real conversion so we can reawaken our relationship with God and experience the bright promise of Easter.

Jesus went into the wilderness almost immediately after his baptism.  He entered the wilderness "filled with the Holy Spirit" (Luke 4:1).  During the forty days he spent in the wilderness, he fasted and he prayed.  Prayer and fasting prepared Jesus for his encounters with the devil and for his ministry.  Each time the devil presented Jesus with a temptation, Jesus rebuked him by quoting scripture and asserting his unwavering trust in God his Father. 

We too must prepare ourselves for this journey through Lent.  If we are to overcome temptation and conquer the devil, we need fast and pray.   We should engage in almsgiving "to free us from attachment to worldly goods."  Another way we can prepare for our journey is to ground ourselves in scripture.  In today's second reading from Romans 10:8-13, St. Paul reminds us as Moses reminded the children of Israel that "The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart."  And that "if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved" (Romans 10:8-9). 

God, you want to be near to us,
you lead us with your Son Jesus
to the desert of questions and temptations
that you may speak to our hearts
and bring us back to you in loving trust.

Open our eyes, our minds and our hearts
to discard all that leads us astray
and to look for you and for the plans you have
for us and for the world.

Nourished by the bread of your word
and strengthened by your Spirit,

May we overcome every temptation of the Evil One.

Help us seek your will in all we do
and serve you in our brothers and sisters.

We ask this through Christ our Lord.
