Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Where's the Ocean?

There’s a story about a little fish swimming around the ocean and asks a wise old fish, “Where’s the ocean?”

The big fish replies, “Well look around you, Little One; you’re in the ocean.”

“No. No!” says the little fish. “This is just the water. I want to find the ocean.”

Of course the wise old fish goes on to explain that the water is the ocean – everything around the little fish is the ocean. “Little One, the water is the ocean. It brings us life carries us through life; and brings us the oxygen we breathe through our gills; it brings us the nourishment to live. Everything is the ocean!”

The same is true for our faith in God. Everything is the ocean - or in our case, everything is spiritual. We don’t have to go look for it. It’s already here. We don’t have to ask about or talk about the “spiritual part” of our faith. It’s all spiritual. Everything is spiritual.​