Thursday, September 30, 2021

Help Me Find a Way

Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace:
wherever I encounter anger and hatred, help me find a way to bring love;
wherever I find injury, help me find a way to bring pardon and healing;
wherever I find doubt, help me find a way to bring faith;
wherever I encounter despair, help me find a way to show hope;
wherever I encounter darkness, help me find a way to bring light;
wherever I find sadness, help me find a way to bring Your Joy.
And, Lord, help me to realize that sometimes I find these within myself!

My Creator, help me find a way:
not so much to being consoled, as to being compassionate with others,
not so much to being understood, as to listen and to understand others,
not so much to being loved myself, but rather than to love those I encounter.
For it is in giving of our own gifts and talents, that we receive,
it is in forgiving the hurts we receive from others, that we are forgiven ourselves,
and it is in giving up our old life that we are born to a new life both here on earth and eternally with You.
Lord, Help me find a way.
