Saturday, July 10, 2021

Moving Beyond Ourselves

Love immediately challenges me to break the fixation I have with myself.
~ John Powell, S.J.

Self-absorption can become habitual, and it's a seductive pastime. "How do I look?" "Was my response articulate?" "Is my wit impressive?" It's all too easy to block out the presence of others except for the purpose of comparison to ourselves. And blocking out their presence robs us of the many lessons they've come to teach us.

The ego is fragile only in proportion to the amount of undue attention we give it. And assuredly we cripple it by the focus we mistakenly believe nurtures its growth. Far better for the health of our ego to love and encourage the well being of a friend's ego.

The more we move beyond ourselves, the greater will be our personal peace and security. Happiness is the natural by-product of favoring another with loving attention.

From “Worthy of Love” by Karen Casey