Saturday, January 2, 2021

Feast of the Epiphany

As I was reading the scriptures for today’s Feast of the Epiphany of the Lord what popped into my mind initially was the news story earlier this year about Forrest Fenn’s hidden treasure. Forrest Fenn was a New Mexico art dealer who hid a bronze chest filled with gold and jewels somewhere in the Rocky Mountains in 2010. He announced a treasure hunt in his book, The Thrill of the Chase, inviting people to try and find it. Thousands of people tried to find the treasure. Some died in the attempt. In June of 2020 someone finally found it. Fenn died a few months later. So, what does this have to do with The Feast of the Epiphany? 

Fenn’s treasure is diametrically opposite to the quest of the magi. They were not on a treasure hunt; the magi were on a spiritual quest seeking “the newborn King of the Jews.” Materially there was nothing in it for them. These magi were serious astronomers. When they saw the “star at its rising,” they dropped everything they were doing to follow it. They studied the night sky watching for changes and movement. They knew this new star represented something extraordinary, the “newborn King of the Jews” and they were willing to make great sacrifices to find him. We don’t know exactly where they came from but St. Matthew implies that they traveled a great distance to get to Bethlehem. What is interesting to consider is that this star clearly was not invisible. Others must have seen it. The Scribes and Pharisees, the chief priests and scientists of Israel must have seen the star. But they did nothing to investigate. Pagan foreigners recognized the significance of the star and set out to find it. 

All our readings today emphasize that Jesus was born for the people of all nations. The Magi were non-believers, pagans, gentiles, not worth any consideration in the eyes of the people of Israel, but they were the people who had the faith and humility to seek and welcome Jesus into our world. They did not know where the star would lead them. However, they pursued their journey of faith knowing that the end of their journey would reveal something spectacular, “the glory of the Lord.” On this Feast of the Epiphany of the Lord, we should ask ourselves, what star do I follow? Will I recognize a God sent star? What will I sacrifice to follow that star? 

you revealed your Son to the nations 
by the guidance of a star. 
Lead us to your glory in heaven 
by the light of faith. 
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, 
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, 
one God forever and ever. 