Monday, March 23, 2020

Healing Prayer

Make me and instrument of your healing.

When I am weak and in pain, help me to rest,
When I am anxious, help me to wait,
When I am fearful, help me to trust,
When I am lonely, help me to love,
When I feel apart from You, help me to know you are near.

Healing God, grant me not so much to demand everything from myself, as to let others help me.
Nor to expect others to cure me, as to do my own part toward getting better.
Grant me not so much to seek escape, as to face myself and learn the depths of Your love.
For it is in being uncertain and not in control, that we find true faith.
It is in knowing the limits of mind and body, that we find wholeness of spirit,
And in passing through death, that we find life that lasts forever.