Thursday, December 5, 2019

Spiritual Hunger

Can it be?
Have I for so long
Forgotten to feed myself?

For nigh a year now
I was slowly starving.
Getting lost in busy days,
Tossing aside the hunger
That chewed away inside.

Yet, I did not die.
By some quiet miracle
I made it to the moment
Of truth:
I nearly starved to death.

It was not my body
That I failed to feed.
It was my spirit,
Left alone for days
Without nourishment or care.

And then one day
I paused to look within,
Shocked at what I found:
So thin of faith,
So weak of understanding,
So needy of encouragement.
My starving spirit cried the truth:
I can! I will! I must Be fed!

And then I read John’s gospel chapter 6.