Sunday, November 17, 2019

Your Will, Not Mine, Be Done

My will is to play with earthly toys. Your will is to work with heavenly tools.
My will is to be comfortable: Your will is to be useful.
My will is to indulge the flesh: Your will is to build up the Spirit.
My will is to criticize and condemn: Your will is to sympathize and help.
My will is to proudly speculate and theorize: Your will is to humbly study and learn.
My will is to leave the work of the Truth to someone else, while I "seek my own things": Your will is to be "always abounding, sharing that which was given me"
My will is to wallow in self-pity: Your will is to "rejoice always."
My will is to complain about trials and troubles: Your will is to count up all the joys, knowing that tribulation teaches patience.
My will is foolish talking and jesting: Your will is gracious and compassionate speech.
My will is to lay up baubles on earth: Your will is to lay up treasure in heaven.
My will leads only steadily downward, to sorrow and death:
Your will leads ever onward and upward, to eternal life and joy.

"Your will, not mine, be done."

By Bro. G.V. "Rene" Growcott