Friday, October 26, 2018

Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Throughout the month of October, all our Sunday gospel readings have come from chapter 10 of St. Mark’s gospel. We began the chapter with Jesus’ discussion about marriage, divorce and the special place children have in the kingdom.  Then we encountered the rich man who wanted to inherit eternal life but was unwilling to take the action necessary to gain it.  Last week we heard James and John ask Jesus for positions of power and influence in the kingdom of God but Jesus could not fulfill their request. This week we finish the chapter with Jesus encountering and healing Bartimaeous, a blind beggar sitting on the side of the road between Jericho and Jerusalem.  

The story of Bartimaeous presents a striking contrast both to Jesus’ discussion with the rich man and his conversation with James and John.   Bartimaeous had a double handicap; he was blind and we assume he was poor because he was sitting on the side of the road begging.  Although he was blind and poor, Bartimaeous had some qualities the rich man, James and John lacked.  He had determination, faith, humility, courage and childlike acceptance. 

Bartimaeous went to a lot of trouble to get Jesus’ attention. Once he got it he leapt into action, “He threw aside his cloak, sprang up, and came to Jesus” (Mark 10:50). In all likelihood, that cloak was Bartimaeous’ only possession yet he was willing to leave it behind to stand before Jesus.   When Jesus asked, “What do you want me to do for you” (Mark 10:51), the same question he asked James and John a few verses earlier, Bartimaeous didn’t ask for power, money, success or eternal life, he merely said, “Master, I want to see” (Mark 10:51).   Then Jesus healed him saying, “Go your way; your faith has saved you” (Mark 10:52).  Now the story could end here but it doesn’t.  There is one more line, “Immediately he received his sight and followed him on the way” (Mark 10:52). 

Bartimaeous, with his sight fully restored, does not wander off to visit with family and friends or to tell everyone about what happened to him. His restored sight provided him with a vision greater than merely seeing what was around him; he saw a vision of the kingdom.  With that vision, Bartimaeous made a life changing decision; he left everything behind and followed Jesus on the way to the cross. 

Our living God,
you are very near to us in our joys and pains.
Give us the eyes of faith and love to see
the mission you have given us in life
and the courage and grace to carry it out.
Make us also clear-sighted enough to see
the needs of people who cry out their misery
or suffer in silence,
that we may bring them your healing compassion
and lead them to you.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.